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Faculty SI Frequently Asked Questions
  • What types of courses does SI support?

    SI generally supports foundational courses and uses the following criteria:

    • High freshman and sophomore enrollment
    • A DFW rate of 15% or higher
    • An average enrollment of 75 students each semester
    • Strong faculty support for the program

    The SI program will consider all applications for partnerships on a case-by-case basis and we welcome discussion to determine if SI is a good fit for your course! The SI program re-evaluates partnerships on a yearly basis.

  • What are the responsibilities of the LASSO Center and of partnering faculty/departments?
    • In order to provide the best service for students, the LASSO Center expects our faculty and departmental partners to be engaged with and encouraging of the SI program. This means encouraging student attendance at SI sessions and walk-in hours, meeting regularly with their assigned SI leaders, and helping to identify SI leader candidates for their course(s).
    • In return, faculty and departmental partners can expect the LASSO Center to provide extensive administrative support for the SI program, cover all costs associated with the SI program, provide thoroughly trained and skilled SI leaders, and provide accurate data management and reporting. 
  • How can my course/department apply for SI support?

    Faculty and departments may apply for SI support by completing this form: SI Course Request Form


Student SI Frequently Asked Questions
  • What is Supplemental Instruction (SI)?

    SI consists of regularly scheduled, voluntary, out-of-class group sessions and walk-in times driven by students’ needs. Sessions are facilitated by trained peer leaders who also attend course lectures and utilize collaborative activities to ensure peer-to-peer interaction in small groups. SI is implemented in foundational courses with high rates of grades of D, F, or withdrawals. Our purpose is to improve student grades, increase retention in foundational courses, and increase preparedness for future coursework.

  • Why should you attend SI sessions?

    Students who attend SI sessions regularly throughout the semester earn, on average, a half to a full letter grade higher than those who attend no sessions. Attending SI services gives students the opportunity to improve their understanding of important concepts, compare notes, get to know classmates, and develop study and learning strategies.

  • What happens during an SI session?

    SI sessions create a fun, collaborative learning environment where you actively work with fellow classmates to assess your understanding, deepen your knowledge, and grow your skills within your SI supported class and beyond. SI leaders will not re-lecture. They will facilitate interactive activities that help you engage with the class content and ask questions of you that help you engage more deeply with the material.

  • When are SI sessions held?

    Each SI Leader holds three sessions per week, beginning the second week of classes. Sessions are held Sundays, noon to 8 p.m., and Mondays-Thursdays, 4-8 p.m.

  • How much does it cost to attend SI?

    Attendance at all SI services is completely free to all students!


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"SI leaders matter because they are peer-helpers, which means they are at the same level as the students they are helping. They understand the struggles the students may be going through and can relate to them on many levels while being able to help them with course content. SI leaders do not put any pressure on the students. Their goal is to simply help students better understand the content the best they can."

- Taylor Buice
SI Mentor on the Leadership Team
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